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IT & 개발/ios

[IOS/Swift] 앱 심사 거절 사유 - Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We're looking forward to completing our review, but we are unable to continue because your app crashed during review. Please review the details below and the attached crash logs, then complete the next steps.
Steps leading to crash:
1. Launched the app
2. Entered ID and Password and tapped the login
3. Tapped “마이페이지” button
4. Chose “1:1 문의”
5. Tapped “Choose File”
6. Chose “Take Photo or video” then tapped “video”
7. App crashed.
Review device details:
- Device type: iPad
- OS version: iOS 15.6
Next Steps
1. Fully symbolicate the crash report. See Adding Identifiable Symbol Names to a Crash Report.
2. Match the crash report to a common pattern. Based on the pattern, take specific actions to further investigate the crash. See Identifying the Cause of Common Crashes.
3. Once you've identified the root causes of the crash, make the appropriate changes to the binary to resolve the issue.
4. Test your app on a device to ensure that it runs as expected.
5. Create and submit a new build for review.
- For more information on crash reports, see Diagnosing Issues Using Crash Reports and Device Logs.
- To learn about troubleshooting networking issues, see About Networking.
Please see attached screenshot for details.


앱 테스트 도중 crash 가 발생했다는 거절 사유.

당연한 거절 사유다..


첨부파일 비디오 촬영 선택시 앱이 다운된다.



테스터가 보내준 로그를 보면 NSMicrophoneUsageDescription 키가 없어서 발생한 문제.
  "termination" : {"flags":518,"code":0,"namespace":"TCC","details":["This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data."]},

NSMicrophoneUsageDescription 키 추가



